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Pulsezyme Ad - Textile Desizer Enzyme:

BIO DESIZING: Starch will be used while producing textile from yarn during weaving process. Desizing agent, “Pulsezyme Ad”, will come into picture after producing textile which will be harder initially, due to starch. “Pulsezyme Ad”, de-size textile effectively even without using salt together. Major merits of “Pulsezyme Ad”, is that it's applicable in almost all desizing processes at wide range of temperature as well as ph.

“Product” only affect starch and keep away fabric from any kind of damage, which might have occurred due to other chemicals. Highly stable to soil & impurities. Simplified preparations can be possible with “Product” without any risk of allergic reactions.

Pulsezyme Adh -Textile Desizer Enzyme:

BIO DESIZING: Highly concentrated enzyme. Salt Addition is not necessary. DE sizing of textiles with starch containing sizes. Applicable in all processes, at low and high temperatures. Wide PH range extremely cost effective

Pulsezyme Conc -Textile Desizer Enzyme:

BIO DESIZING: Concentrated enzyme. Salt addition is not necessary. DE sizing of textiles with starch containing sizes. Applicable in all processes, at low and high temperatures. Wide PH ranges.

Pulsezyme Sft -Textile Bio Soft (scouring) Enzyme:

Bio Scouring: “Pulsezyme Sft” is one of the best Enzymatic cracking agent of its own. Cracking is basically a process to remove impurities from natural cellulosic material to make it clean & brighten. In addition to that, it works as a protective agent for fabric by avoiding harsh chemicals during scouring process.

It helps saving other materials during dying & printing process by making fabric more absorbent. Environmental friendly process with less neutralization, helps in lower salt load, make it more competitive. Provides best results at low temperature as well as pH by replacing alkaline scouring.

Pulsezyme Cet -Textile Hydrogen Peroxide Remover Enzyme:

H2O2 is being used over fabric which need to be removed before dying process as few dyestuffs may be sensitive to oxidation. “Pulsezyme Cet” is an enzyme to work as h2o2 removal agent which breakdown h2o2 by generating water and oxygen.

Aqueous based enzymatic agent which is miscible in with water in all proportions. It can also be called as an excellent bio-eliminating agent by removing h2o2 effectively without leaving a minute residue behind process. The best part of using this product is a freedom of having a wide range of pH (3 to 10) & temperature up to 65 c.

“Product” is H2O2 specific that's why reacts with none other than h2o2, thus works completely in protective environment for fabric.

Pulsezyme Sel -Textile Bio Polishing Enzyme:

H2O2 is being used over fabric which need to be removed before dying process as few dyestuffs may be sensitive to oxidation. “Pulsezyme Sel” is an enzyme to work as h2o2 removal agent which breakdown h2o2 by generating water and oxygen.

Aqueous based enzymatic agent which is miscible in with water in all proportions. It can also be called as an excellent bio-eliminating agent by removing h2o2 effectively without leaving a minute residue behind process. The best part of using this product is a freedom of having a wide range of pH (3 to 10) & temperature up to 65 c.

“Product” is H2O2 specific that's why reacts with none other than h2o2, thus works completely in protective environment for fabric.

Pulsezyme Sel-n -Textile Biopolish Natural Enzyme

Polishing as well as removal of surface fuzz is very essential part of various processes to be incurred over fabrics. Bio polishing agents are harmless to fabrics due to its natural constitutions. It does not affect shades & strength loss compared to other traditional process.

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